Tuesday, October 19, 2010

All of me for all of Him

I always think about where I could be.

If only I could write better songs. Amazing, creative songs with lyrics that peirce the heart and make you come alive. If only I played the piano better, if the melodies and harmonies I could play would be so beautiful and creative and awaken souls. If only I had a better voice, if I could sing His heart with such a beautiful, broad range,if my voice could make people cry. If only I was an amazing cook, if I could make delicious things and offer them to anyone and everyone, and bless so many people with my cooking. If only I looked better. If I was more attractive, so graceful and beautiful, and not so "cute and childlike". If I was just beautiful. If only I could dance better, if my movements conveyed so much of God's heart in such a graceful and beautiful and powerful way. If only I was so talented in this area. If only.....

But I'm not. I've been given what I've been given. What He saw fit to give me, He has given. No more, no less. He knows the perfect way.

So why do I think about what could be?
I've already captured His heart.
He's already in love with me.

If I'm truly doing everything for Him, and if I truly am in love with Him, I'm going to take every single square inch of love inside me and every piece of heart that I have, and take it for all its worth, and let it explode in sweet offering to the one I love. I'm going to let it pour out of me like a flood all over His feet. I'm going to dance with all that's in me, I'm going to sing and play with everything I am, I'm going to love Him with all my heart whatever my hand finds to do , it will be done with ALL of my heart in it. Because I'm in love with Him.

Everything that I have been given is for me to give back to my Savior.

If I've been given a voice, then let me sing.
If I have two legs and two feet, then let me dance. And run, and leap, and spin.
If I have two arms and two hands, then let me write, paint, play, hold, love.
If I have a mouth, then let me speak.
If I have an eye then let me see, gaze, ponder, and imagine.
If I've been given strength, then let me run.
If I've been given a heart, a will, emotions and desires, and if He's given me the gift of love for Him, then let me dream.
And if I have dreams, then they are from Him, and He's gonna make them happen.

Just let me be fully alive.


Nicole said...

That was great:-) I was getting a little sad in the beginning but then you made it better:-)

Heather said...

I cried. <3 right where I'm at sister! xoxox