Saturday, October 18, 2008

I was born for such a time as this

I received this email from Bound4LIFE yesterday. Here is an excerpt from it:

Rees Howells, the mighty intercessor of England during WWII, encouraged his young college students to pray in the face of unimaginable opposition. Never did they take anything for granted; never did they concede defeat even when the Panzer tanks were rolling.
As nation after nation was falling to Nazi Germany these inspiring words were recorded during Mr. Howells' messages in the prayer meetings:

May 17, 9:30 a.m. "You are more responsible for this victory today than those men on the battlefield. You must be dead to everything else but this fight."

May 18, 2:30 p.m. "I want to fight with this enemy again this weekend as if it were the end of civilization. You don't leave anything to chance in this. Don't allow those young men at the Front to do more than you do here."

May 20, 9 a.m. "Even before lunchtime the history of the world may be changed."

The moral of the story is this: It's not over until it's over. In the briefest of moments, in a flash of lightning, the apparent course of events can change. The tide of battle can shift in an instant. And God is looking to see if anyone is standing in the gap on behalf of the land (Ez 22:30). These young people here with me have truly made themselves dead to everything else but this fight."

He is talking about the team of intercessors in Washington, DC right now who are in the middle of the 40-day fast before our elections. As an addition to this fast, they are also completing their second Esther fast. (If you want to know what that is, go read the book of Esther)

These are young people who have completely given themselves to this battle. Young people. I'm talking about 18, 19 year olds and people in their early 20s. These intercessors are up in DC right now, they have been fasting for 21 days and will fast for 19 more. They are dead-set on justice and righteousness being established in this country and will not rest until the King of Glory has His way, until JUSTICE is poured out from heaven. They will not take no for an answer. They will not stand for anything less than victory. And they don't accept defeat. These young people are completely dead to everything else.

Because there's just no more time for anything else. And reading this email really woke me up, because for almost an entire year I feel like I've had this blinder over my eyes, like a fog. You know what, these people are who I used to be. And right now nothing matters to them except justice. They could not care less about the trivial things everyone else their age are busy caring about. Even the Christian ones. And it made me decide: Today is the day I change.

Everyone around me seems to be consumed with their life callings, finding out their purpose. And that is all good, and I don't blame them. That and getting into relationships, real ones that lead to marriage, doing what they're good at (art, music) waiting for someone to notice, or just doing it for God until He takes them to the next level. They are consumed in their jobs and classes and church and friends. And none of that is bad. That's all actually...really normal.

But especially in the past few months, I know I've been consumed with working, church activities, outside activities, and friends on the weekend. I actually spiraled into that normal busy young person lifestyle. I never thought I would because of the miraculous awakening I had at 16. But I did.....and now I've decided to do something about it. Being "completely dead to everything else" means that you just don't care about anything else. You are dead to it. It does not make you respond in any way, you are absolutely CONSUMED with this one purpose. To fast, pray and make history. So that would mean, that you are dead to your job, even though you still have to go to work. You are dead to classes, even though you have to go to school. You are even dead to your family and friends.

Now, hear me out for a second I am not saying that you are lazy at work, at school your grades drop and you are rude to your friends and family. I am saying that even though you have to go to school, work, and church and see your friends and family every day, you are still consumed with your purpose of prayer and fasting. And guess what: when you are consumed with God's purpose for you, it will actually enhance everything else in your life. So....possibly I am saying that you will work with all your heart at your job, your grades will possibly become better, and your relationships with people in your life will become better. But that is not the point and should not be the reason you take on this intense, adventerous lifestyle.

I know for a fact that this is who I am. This is who He called me at age age most people would say is too young. He called me a warrior, intercessor, history maker. And I will stand in the gap as Esther did until the day I die. I will be the one He is looking for, the one who causes Him to relent and lessen the judgement. I will be the one intercessor who still stands when everyone else flees because things look too hopeless. Even if I stand alone.

I will not allow the petty concerns that have hindered my generation from stepping up to hinder me. God will give me strength to get out of bed when He wakes me up in the middle of the night and light a candle, open my window and fill those bowls in heaven with my prayers. He will give me strength to go to my piano at 3 am when I have to get up at 7am the next morning and play songs of justice. He strengthens the saints and when they are the weakest it is He who is their Rock.

Go to and listen to the song "You are Holy-Isaiah 6"

Despite everything, He is Holy.

If Obama becomes president, does that change who God is? No.
If I never get married, does that change who God is? No.
If everything spirals out of control, into complete chaos, and the great shaking takes place, does that change who God is? No.
If satan has his reign on this earth, does that change who God is? No.
If everyone in my life forsakes me, even my parents, does that change who God is? No.
If the whole earth comes under global communism and Muslims take over the world, does that change who God is? No.
If I am abused, broken and tortured, does that change who God is? No.

I don't know much; all I know at the end of the day is that He is holy.

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