Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Counting Down!!

1 more day until it is....Sunday! :)

2 days until ....I don't know.

3 days until I go to the dentist :(

4 days until my parent's 25TH ANNIVERSARY! Wow, how beautiful <3

5 days until my best most amazing friend and sister turns 23!! AWESOME!

6 days until I turn 21!!!!! YEAHHHHOOO :)

7 days until my last work day before I leave and......

8 days until I get on an airplane and fly (one of my favorite things IN THE WORLD to do!) up to Kansas City Missouri to see my wonderful friends and spend precious undivided hours before my Jesus in the Prayer room of International House of Prayer for a whole seven days! SO EXCITED TO FINALLY GO BACK! It's only been 4 months but it feels like FOREVERRR!

AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2011 is gonna be INSANE! :) Praise Jesus! :)

'Faaaithful You're always faaithful, truuue you're always'll never leeeavve me, You're always with me, You're're gooooood......."

1 comment:

Heather said...

AHHHHH!!!!!! SO EXCIED FOR ALL THIS GOODNESS!!!! xoxoxoxo i love you!!! xo