Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Don't Rush The Winter

Don't rush the winter

For soon it will be spring.

In silence wait upon Him;

In waiting, learn to lean.

~This is a simple word the Lord gave me over the past week while I was in Missouri. The night I arrived it started to snow and continued all through the night and all day long the next day. When I think about how much of a "look-ahead" type of person I am, the Lord always reminds me that He is not. He is right here and right now, and He is in absolutely no rush. And when I slow down enough to stop and look where He is, I usually find that I have rushed far ahead and He is still waiting for me to turn around and come back to the place where I was so quick to leave.

"Stay here with me a little while, just wait and look around. I love this, and I want you to see all the beauty that I see. I don't want you to miss any of it." He whispers to me.

"Don't worry about things that might pass you by while you stay with Me where I am. If you stay with me and keep the pace I keep, I will show you the very best things to be found."