I've been thinking about the Kingdom. How I've been walking hand in hand with Jesus for 5 almost 6 years. And I've been finding out some interesting things. I find that no matter where I go, my heart and longings remain the same. No place I can go on this earth will make my heart stop longing for His return, to see the wrong things made right, to see justice rain down, to see the earth filled with His glory as the waters cover the sea. No place I go will take away the hunger inside of me. No matter where I am, it's always the same. Jesus has to come back.
I also find that it doesn't matter what ministry I am a part of. I don't care. I never wanted to be a missionary. I never wanted to be an advocate for the children who are sex-trafficked, I never wanted to be a voice for the 50,000,000+ babies who are aborted, I never wanted to be a youth leader. I never wanted to be a worship leader. I just love Jesus! It all comes naturally from that.
I don't care what my title is. And I don't care if I am at IHOP, or The Ramp, or Morning Star, or Bethel, or Iris, or a Place for the Heart. I don't care who I am associated with! I JUST LOVE JESUS! It doesn't matter what ministry I am with. I want to sit and talk with a homeless man and when he asks me "So what church are you with" I want to say "I just love Jesus! I'm not with any church, I'm just a person who loves Jesus" This doesn't mean that I want to be independant and not in a family/community of people, or part of a church, but I just want the world to know that it's not about that. It's about Jesus, and I want the lost to see LOVE, not a church,Not a ministry, not any of that. I want the world to see Jesus.
I am all about the Kingdom. I am all about Awakening. I am all about BEING REAL!!!! This is my heart. I don't want to start a ministry, with a title, with a website or anything like that. I don't care if that ever happens. I just want the world to know Jesus. I don't want to be labeled. I want the world to see WHO JESUS IS. It's not about ME or my church or my ministry or anything. IT'S NOT ABOUT THAT.
I will live the rest of my life, wherever I am, and just simply love people. And be real, and show them the Kingdom. And show them LOVE, and teach them how to walk the narrow way. And point them to Jesus. That will be my ministry. And it won't have to ever have a title. I won't call it anything. IT'S JUST THE KINGDOM!! IT'S HOW JESUS LIVED.
That, and I will live the rest of my life before His eyes. I don't care if I am ever on a stage or platform, or if I ever have a microphone in my hand, or a crowd in front of me. I am perfectly content to live before His eyes, on my knees in my bedroom. I don't care if anyone ever sees me. Not that I don't want anyone to see me, or that I just want to hide away forever. But if I am given a stage or not doesn't really matter to me. Whether I have a crowd watching me or not, doesn't really matter. I will be fine with it, and fine without it.
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