Tuesday, February 15, 2011


One day late, but this doesn't have much to do with Valentine's Day anyway :)
The year 2010 and so far 2011 I have been absolutely BLASTED by the Lord. What do I mean by blasted?? Have a listen here......

I mean my heart has been broken, mended, broken again, shattered, mended, expanded, expanded again, expanded to the point of bursting and is currently a HUGE, ENORMOUS mess that I really don't know what to do with.

I never thought that I could look at a person and feel what they are feeling by one look. (It sounds scary, It's not, it's called intercession)

Let me tell you, I seriously know the dreams of His heart for certain people, places, and even things, I know their potential, I LONG for their fullness, and all of this has been given to me as a gift. My Father has chosen to give me His heart. Why? Because I asked for it.

Love changes things. I am ONE person, in my early twenties, a GIRL, with no college education and no degree, not very qualified in the eyes of the world to make a huge difference in this earth. But you know what? I know who my God is. And I know His heart. And I'm starting to get His heart. And let me tell you something.....there is no telling the things that can happen when one single person who has been wrecked and forever changed by God's heart steps out with that love in their heart and lets God lead them places. With God, all things are possible. There is nothing He cannot do.

NO ONE IS TOO FAR GONE. His arm is not too short to save..... There is no one too deep in depression, no one too lost in an endless cycle of drugs, no one too hard-hearted and cruel, no one too taken captive by demonic philosophies, no one too broken by oppression or abuse, no child too abandoned, no man too far in bondage, no woman too deep in darkness, NO ONE TOO LOST FOR MY JESUS TO SAVE.

"Therefore He is able also to save to the uttermost (completely, perfectly, finally, and for all time and eternity) those who come to God through Him, since He is always living to make petition to God and intercede with Him and intervene for them." Hebrews 7:25

He is able to save TO THE UTTERMOST.
Because HE WENT to the uttermost.
The cross took Him to the farthest, deepest depth of darkness, and He overcame it. He already went there before us. He traveled the darkest road. He had to, because that's where some people go. And He did it, and now He sits at the right hand of His Father making intercession for us.

So back to love. If you let Him wreck you to the point of you just don't care anymore, IT WILL CHANGE EVERYTHING. Do you want to know love for real? Do you want your heart to be forever changed and not just changed, but RADICALLY turned UPSIDE-DOWN FOREVER,????? And then do you want to feel what God feels? Do you want Him to put His own heart in You? Do you want a heart-transplant?!!?!?!? If you say yes, then you can change the world whether or not you have money, or power, or influence, or authority, or a college-degree, or this or that certification, or ANY of that.!!!!
Sound fun? IT TOTALLY IS :)

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