Monday, November 15, 2010


God, please.......oh my goodness. I need so much help. Im just longing inside. *SIGH*
One day I will know, and I will see. Right now I can only see a reflection of what will be.

Please give grace to my heart Lord. Please give me patience. Please HELP me to wait and wait with peace and steadfastness in my heart instead of anxiety. Because I really haven't learned to wait until I can wait peacefully.

Your love never fails, your truth is a rock. And I will stand on it all the days of my life. You know my only one heart's desire is You.

I don't like how my heart gets so excited so often and how much I live by my emotions. I'm trying so hard to walk by faith, not by sight, not by facts or feelings. I really am trying. I'm trying so hard to not go by my feelings. God, I know you are faithful. I know you have proved yourself to me time and time again. You never fail me. I NEED HELP. HELP ME, JESUS.

I will hang on to the truth that You are good. And that one day soon I will see and I will know. Please help me Daddy. I need You so much.

I can't do this without you. I can't do this day without you.

The Lord is good to those who wait for Him. I will be still. HELP ME. I can't be still unless you help me. It's not in me to wait and to be still and bear silence, unless You put it in me. You have to help me. HELP!

I don't know what it means to wait and to be patient but I am learning.

Am I feeling longing inside because my hope has moved from the Lord to this desire in my heart? UNLESS MY HOPE IS IN THE LORD I CAN'T MAKE IT.

God, where is my hope? Please let it be in You. I will run into Your arms with all that I am. I can't see, I don't know, I'm so uncertain but I TRUST YOU. My heart is anxious HELP ME.

This unknown will eventually become a known. And it might be a No. Am I ok with that? Is my Daddy good to me? I want more than anything to say yes. The answer I am holding out for could be a No. Am I going to be hurt by that? Am I going to feel like God has failed me or hurt me? I want more than anything to say no.

Lord, my Lord, not my will but Yours be done. I know there is nothing you can't do. I know you are able.

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